Frequently Asked Questions & Additional Resources
Frequent Questions
Q: What is PBIS?
A: PBIS is short for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (also known as SW-PBIS and/or PBS). It is a framework or approach for assisting school personnel in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.
Q: Who can implement PBIS?
A: PBIS is being implemented in over 21,000 schools across the nation. It is used in rural, urban and suburban schools; by Alternative Learning Centers, charter schools, juvenile justice centers and Early Childhood programs.
Q: What is the goal of PBIS?
A: The goal of PBIS is to make effective and efficient and provide equitable learning environments for all students. Decreasing aggressive conduct and bullying can occur through improving culture and climate, building relationships with students and staff, changing academic outcomes.
Q: How does PBIS work?
A: PBIS follows the School Improvement Framework and has 5 phases:
1. Utilization of state and local leadership teams that can develop, sustain and expand efforts.
2. Analyses of relevant school and student data to identify school-wide, classroom-wide, non-classroom settings, individual student and family engagement behavioral interventions and practices.
3. Identification and consensuses of priority areas of patterns and possible causes of inappropriate behaviors identified through data analyses.
4. Identification and selection of evidence-based practices, interventions and strategies to address needs.
5. Development and implementation of effective programs in a multi-tiered System of Supports framework.