For Coaches/Trainers

Coaching During Covid

Need tips for coaching during Covid?

The way you provide coaching supports to teachers can vary on a week-to-week basis. Whether students are attending in person or virtually, the coaching process can still occur. We have put together some tips for supporting your teachers regardless of the guidelines and restrictions in place. Click the link below to view the document.

Coaching During Covid

Training Materials

Content delivered at the ECPBIS Academy

Practice-Based Coaching

Information and resources for sustaining meaningful outcomes

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What is Practice-Based Coaching?

Practice-based coaching is an iterative process that involves focused observations, reflection and feedback, and shared goals and action planning. This approach at the local level can greatly support efforts to implement the early childhood Pyramid Model, resulting in higher efficacy among teachers and increased positive outcomes for students.

The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning has published this Practice-Based Coaching Overview

The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations has published this Program Leadership Team Guide to Implementing Practice-Based Coaching within the Pyramid Model.

Other Coaching Resources

Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT)

Information and resources for using the tool in the context of practice-based coaching

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What is the TPOT?

The Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) is designed to measure implementation of practices related to the early childhood Pyramid Model. The use of practice-based coaching can ensure collection of valid TPOT data and involve teachers in the decision-making process based on what the data shows.

TPOT/Coaching Resources

The NC Early Learning Network has published several valuable resources for using the TPOT in the context of practice-based coaching. These are some of our favorites:

Clarifying Questions
Coaching Resource List
Teacher Skills and Strategies Checklist
Teacher-Coach Agreement
TPOT Debrief Form
TPOT Excel Sheet

Resources Developed by Staff

Check back frequently for updates!

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Book Studies

Children's Lit Kits


Visuals and Infographics

Transition Back to School - tips for supporting children as they transition back to school following blended delivery or an extended break
Coaching During Covid - tips for supporting teachers implementing the Pyramid Model while Covid-related guidelines are in place
ECPBIS Readiness Flyer - information on the ECPBIS Readiness Series
Anchors Aweigh - tips for families as they support their children in transitioning to pre-K or kindergarten
Sharing Our Calm - tips for families to assist their child with self-regulation
Back to School Kit - forms, checklists, and documents you need to help plan a successful start to the new school year
Open House Ideas - tips for introducing the Pyramid Model to families